With the funds of the foundation, employees or former employees (or their relatives) who have fallen into need through no fault of their own due to strokes of fate are financially supported. On the other hand, charitable, church, and social tasks in the community/parish of Ruhstorf a. d. Rott are supported.
The distribution or use of the aid funds is carried out by the board of trustees, which currently consists of Messrs. Wolfram Hatz (Foundation Board), Elena Hatz, Josef Höchtl, and the pastor of the Catholic parish of Ruhstorf.
Since the establishment of the Mathias Hatz Foundation, a total of 170,000 euros has been distributed to needy individuals according to the statutes. Thanks to the generous gesture of Ernst Hatz, assistance has been provided to those in need in the community of Ruhstorf, as well as among the Hatz workforce in the form of financial support during difficult life circumstances.